Saturday, February 2, 2013

Mom N' Tot Playtime

It's been a long time coming, but Matthew and I are FINALLY in a mom n' tot group.  He LOVES it; he walks into the room, gets his coat off, and runs around the room.  He plays with the other kids at times,  but really just likes exploring the toys and room.

The mat above is usually the first thing he goes to and he always climbs right in.

The kids are given 30 minutes of free time to play while the moms are able to chat, unless their child is in need of being followed because they are A) stealing toys from other kids B) trying to walk up the slide C) wanting to get on the teeter-totter or D) all of the above and then some.  

We are both learning about what it means to be in a classroom environment as well.  Matthew is so used to being able to do whatever he wants at home, so when we are asked towards the end of class to sit for 15 minutes to sing songs, well, we're working on it.

While the above looks like a paint set, it is actually a puzzle which has different textures on the inside of each circle.  For a kiddo that loves touch, this is a winner.  And the plastic spoon, well, that was in hand for about 10 minutes.  The only reason it was dropped was that we were being asked to leave.

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