Monday, March 31, 2014

Wagner Farm & More

Today was beautiful.  It was in the mid-60's, the first day of Matthew's spring break and I was determined to make the most of it.  After brainstorming numerous ideas for the day we settled upon Wagner Farms.  I asked Matthew what he was most excited to see at the farm.  He said the horsies.
Thea wide-eyed at the enormous Clydesdale horses in front of her
Matthew engages the roosters in a "COCKADOODOO" contest
A natural cow milker.  No, seriously, he hopped on the chair from behind it, scooted in forward, and without observing others or being told what to do, he got to town milking.
And back to the roosters
Thea having a face off with a cow
There were many young kids at the farm and I think we were all energized by this.  And the sun.  And fresh air.  Did I mention the weather was great today?!?!

This afternoon  we went to the park for some good old fashion slide time.  There were a couple other boys there that Matthew enjoyed running around with along with myself and Thea (who also made it down the slides).

And as if that wasn't enough, after running to the grocery (for some dinner goods and a false alarm potty break), we played outside with our bike, scooter, and lawn mower.  Matthew did twice mention his sadness over not being able to play with the shovel though.  I am not so disappointed that he can't shovel a foot of snow in almost April.

And then I went on a mission to capture the perfect picture of my two smiling kids outside enjoying this magnificent day.

Fail #1: Just not what I was going for
Fail #2: I started singing If You're Happy and You Know It.  Matthew got the memo.  Thea got mesmerized. 
Fail #3: Thea got the telegraph.  Matthew got a fresh glimpse of his pants.
I give up.  But we had a great day.
And the day ended with Matthew repeatedly saying "I love you Daddy," while snuggling with Mike.  Tomorrow has its work cut out for it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

More Firsts

Life is just mind-blowingly exciting for our children.  Today, Matthew had his first Starbucks.  A delicious, child-sized (read: oh-my-I-need-to-buy-my-child-this-cute-Starbucks-cup-daily-sized) hot chocolate.

And Miss Thea, she picked out her first pair of shoes!!  Seems as though pink is quickly becoming her favorite color because whenever she is given a choice, this is what she chooses.

Reason she doesn't look thrilled in the first picture?  Because I was trying to keep her from bouncing (her first reaction to the shoes) which causes her unmatched joy.  She is a size 3, which, according to the salesman, is peanut-sized.

First Warmish Day was Friday

Who do you think had the most fun at the park?

Monday, March 17, 2014

Trains, Trains, Trains

Matthew has developed an interest in trains, much in the same way Jonah Salk developed an interest in polio.  He won't rest until trains no longer exist.

Bad example, but it's always fun when you get to say the word "polio".  Say it with me: POLE-EE-OH.  That was super!

Back to trains.  Matthew has an unbridled joy and passion for them.  It is WONDERFUL to watch.  No day is a bad day for our #1 guy if he gets to play with trains.  The two places he loves the most are the library and Grandma Jeanne's house, because that's where the big train tracks are.  He has a few trains from Chuggington and Thomas (the two most famous train cartoons featuring talking trains who babble nonsense and drive Daddy insane) he plays with at our house, but we purposefully do not have a train track here so that it can be a special treat at the library and Grandma's.

One of the libraries we frequent has a huge train table (and a bin of toys that Bean gets her hands in).

This little guy has already worn out the Thomas the Engine yearbook by how frequently he reads it. 

So, today, on my first day of vacation, we gave Matthew a surprise: his first real life train ride!  We were about 90% sure it would be a thrill for him, but there was some worry that the size and sounds would horrify him, thus ruining the greatest joy of his life.  It would be sad for that to happen to a 2 year old.  It feels a little soon.

Let's just say the worry was unfounded.  Matthew had a freaking BLAST.
Waiting for the train to arrive. Matthew has been smiling since Mommy dropped us off at the station.

Here is video of him literally dancing in his seat during the ride.  It was a 14 minute ride, and he danced for the first 5-6 minutes.  He was happily chattering and pointing out everything he saw from start to finish.

On the train.  This is BEFORE he found out he was going to McDonald's for breakfast when we arrived in Deerfield.

I think we're going to do it again on Wednesday.  It will be for both of us.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Introducing Floppy

Thea loves to snuggle; she rubs and cuddles her blanket whenever in bed. I wish I had a picture of that because it's adorable.

A couple days ago, we decided of place a small stuffed bunny in her bed. We did this with Matthew around the same age. He's got Peaunt (an elephant blanket) and Raisan (a monkey). He likes them, sure, but he rarely cuddles with them. And he certainly doesn't need them. 

Thea on the other hand, did this when she met Floppy:

I'd say their relationship is off to a successful start. 💜