Thursday, April 18, 2019

Our Gymnast

Thea LOVES gymnastics! Here she is doing a back walk over:

She is insanely flexible and will do the splits wherever and whenever she can.

She recently participated in a cartwheel-a-thon to raise money for the gymnastics program in our community (that has won state 11 of the last 13 years, including this year).* She was asked to have people pledge per cartwheel (up to 200). We had no idea what to expect, but we should have known she'd do 200 in 15 minutes. She raised the most money of all the gymnastics so next month she'll be receiving a trophy at a banquet and will get a week at gymnastics camp this summer courtesy of the community gymnastics program.

*Those other two years? They came in 2nd.

I guess I have a lot to say about teeth

Two years ago, Thea was told she had two wiggly teeth but that it was going to take awhile for them to come out. This last Saturday, 4/13, two days after her 6th birthday, Thea lost her very first tooth! She pulled it out at gymnastics, which makes it that much more fun for her since that's her most favorite thing. She was beyond excited and we were too. Mike was maybe a teensy bit less excited since he had a just been diagnosed with a nasty case of strep.*

Thea's tooth pillow made by Grammie
It's a good thing that on Thea's birthday, Mommy had the repair man over (to finish some dry wall work above our microwave) who just so happened to fix Thea's door that couldn't be closed without being slammed.

The tooth fairy was thrilled! She gave Thea a note that said "Finally! Hooray!" with her signature (a tooth with fairy wings) as well as a 50 year old half dollar coin.

Okay, now it's time for me to go to the dentist. Woot! Woot!

*Remember that time that 3 straight Fridays in a row, the boys in our house took turns getting a high fever at 6pm and then strep the next day? Yeah, I do. Cause that was this time. Here's to hoping the girls in the house stay strong and healthy tomorrow.