Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ultrasounds 1, 2, and 3

Our first ultrasound was more nerve-wrecking than we had expected.  [Based on a woman's last period, a due date is calculated and then compared to the growth and size of a baby in an ultrasound.]  Based on my last period, our doctor thought the due date would be April 8th, however, the size of the baby was measuring small (seven weeks when it "should" have been eight weeks).  We were told that this is quite common because a woman's cycle is not always exact and conception and implantation dates are not always known.  Additionally, the heartbeat was 110, when the average rate at this time is 120 and I think Matthew's was somewhere around 140.  Thus, we were scheduled for an ultrasound two weeks later.

You pray and you hope things are fine and remind yourself of what the nurse has said, that this is common, but what I was also told is also a possibility is that a baby can develop properly, have a solid heartbeat, and then all of a sudden growth and life just stop.  Those two weeks were difficult.

But we went back to the doctor, got another ultrasound, and the baby was right were he/she should be.  So I got to be seven weeks pregnant twice (which is awesome cause first trimesters are great) as our due date was pushed back to April 14th.

And we have just scheduled our next ultrasound which will occur the week after Thanksgiving when we are 21 weeks preggo.  This time, we will NOT be finding out the gender, but so look forward to seeing our little one.  I remember how special and connecting this ultrasound was with Matthew.  And the last two days I have been imagining the wonder of love and beauty that is to come when greeting our next baby into this world. 

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