Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Love Letter of Sorts

My Dear Sweet Matthew,

I love you so much.  Daddy and I think about you all the time and talk about how our hearts burst with love, joy, and happiness when we think of you.

Your first birthday is tomorrow and while cliche to say, I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone. 

Daddy and I talked about wanting you years before you were born, anticipated your arrival for nine plus months, and have treasured the last almost 365 days we have had with you.

I have been filled with mornings and moments and evenings of tears when thinking of or talking about you.  Daddy blames most of it on hormones, but the truth is I've been struggling for quite sometime with how quickly the time goes and there is no pause button!!!!

Each day when you see yourself in the mirror you smile and get so excited.  I hope for you that you always feel this way; that you don't have the days that most of us have where you hate the way you look or dread the day ahead.  Daddy and I love you so much.  Please know that your name says it all: Matthew, meaning gift from God. 

There is nothing, not one thing I would change about you.  God blessed us with an angel.

You have the best smiles, a wonderful laugh, and a sweet personality. 

When I was pregnant with you, I bought a book called Praying Through Your Pregnancy.  It encouraged me, as your mother, to pray for you.  One week, the focus was on characteristics and personality.  My consistent prayer was that you would be gentle, loving, kind, faithful, and happy.  Our prayers were answered..

There was that time in Sunday School when a little baby was crying and you patted her on the back.  And then once when you cousin was crying, you did the same thing.  You are so sweet and loving.  That isn't something you learned, that's just you.  Wonderful love. 




I can't focus on ALL our years to come, but I will say this: it's been a blessed year, and I can't wait to keep loving one another in the coming year and seeing you grow into who God designed you to be.
I will always love you,
Mom (that's what you call me...never called me Mama or Mommy, just Mom)

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