Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 16 WBU

And now my third post of the day.

Come Friday, my wife will be four full months pregnant.  Which means we will be in the fifth month.  Which, according to her, means we should no longer answer the "how far along is she?" question in weeks, but rather in months.

While only discussing the pregnancy in monthly increments, I have also been informed by numerous people not involved in the creation or the rearing of my child that I also am not allowed to say things such as:

  • "We're pregnant"
  • "We're expecting"
  • "We're going to deliver the child vaginally"

Apparently, only one of us is actually "pregnant" and "expecting."  There is no "we."  I say fiddlesticks to that.  I'm pretty sure "we" made the child.  "We" are planning for the child.  "We" are horrified by the bags of cash "we" will need to raise the child.  Thusly, "we" are pregnant and expecting.

They may have a point with the third comment.  In my defense, I have only said it twice.

Anywho, here's what the pretty growing lady looks like...

This picture elicited the first "Is that really what I look like?" of the pregnancy.  Yes ma'am, it is.  You have officially moved past "Is she fat or is she pregnant?" and entered "Yup, she's knocked up."

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