Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring Break

I'm on Spring Break.  In celebration, I am getting in a cab in less than seven hours (read: at 3:00 in the morning) to go to Midway Airport (read: I'm stupid) so that I can go hiking in Utah for eight days with three of my buddies (read: awesome.)  We will then go to Vegas for two days before returning next Saturday.

I'm totally pumped for the trip.  We've been planning it for months and it is going to be AMAZING.  That said, I'm not quite sure why I am going hiking in Utah for eight days.  Let's have a quick rundown of the trip participants:

This is Bryan.  Bryan is a former college basketball player and Naval Officer.

This is John.  John is a former college baseball player and high school baseball and soccer coach.

This is Pat.  Pat is a former college soccer player and is currently one of the leaders of the Kellogg Soccer Club.

This is me.  I like mayonaisse.  Starting at the age of 19, I spent almost an entire decade being employed by Major League Baseball teams to sit and watch other people play sports.  I routinely wonder why Little Red Riding Hood did not search the Three Bears' home for more porridge.  I also rountinely wonder what the porridge is.

I am then going to Vegas, which make sense, seeing as how I am too poor to gamble and don't go to strip clubs.

Maybe the parks have couches.

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