Thursday, June 5, 2014


There are really only a few things from my early years that I remember. Fingerpainting is one of them. I remember thinking it was so unusual that you were allowed to get so messy. And not only that, it was encouraged!! I was totally intrigued by this piece. Plus, I'm super good at art (read: that's a lie, I'm still at the first grade level). 

So today we fingerpainted for the first time.

Thea wanted nothing to do with it. Well, now wait a minute, that's not fair. She did put her fingers in it...and tasted it. 

Matthew loved it. He is the kind of kid that doesn't love a mess (he used 5 paper towels during the painting time just to try to keep some sort of cleanliness going), but he really enjoyed it. 

The picture in the second row, on the right is the hand prints of Matthew and I. And the purple smattering...let's just say we gave feet painting a try! 

Messy but delightful!

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