Monday, July 6, 2015

Thea Sized Bed

Thea got a Thea-sized bed today!! We were all very excited about this and have been pumping it up for at least a week. 

This morning, Mike and the kids broke down the crib:

After the bed was delivered, I let the monkeys jump on the bed:

Then, Floppy had to be introduced to the new bed: 

This was adorable as she sweetly explained to Floppy that they had a new bed and carefully laid her down.  

Matthew has been just as excited about Bean's new bed and wanted to check out the snooze materials too. Daddy was asked to read one of their favorites before bed, "Yummy, Yucky." Thea crawled under the covers herself saying "Awesome!" and requested that the book be read in her room. 

With this being our second child, these moments seem to sneak up on you. All of sudden, Thea seems to be growing up so fast. Mike and I just kept smiling and savoring the moments tonight, while also hoping that I can get the position of little spoon back:

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