Monday, December 31, 2012

"Happy No Year!" ~Joey Tribbiani

Mike and I have spent our evening learning and practicing The Routine because it just makes good sense.

OR we have spent some time reflecting on this last year.  I'm not a fan of New Year's resolutions because it seems as though they are usually extreme in nature, guilt-inducing, and forgotten about shortly after February is upon us.  BUT, I am huge fan of reflection time.

After graduating from IU, from time to time I have had anxiety about college being the best years of my life and never feeling that great (connected, learning, happy, in love) again.  To think the best is behind me is hard and sad.  But I can honestly say, I think this has been the best year of my life.  It has been filled with great joy, love, family and friends.

I came upon this Bible verse tonight: "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."  I feel as though it speaks to our journeys.  Mike's job has been challenging in a stimulating way, he has been thriving and enjoying work which is what we have prayed for and desired for years.  He has not come home once from work feeling defeated, beaten down, or angry.  If you knew him in his previous job, this was not so much the case.  He comes home happy and energized.  And my "work" is the most challenging one that I have experienced requiring more energy, thought, and patience than all others.  But it is filled with love, friendship, human growth, and laughter.  Matthew is our greatest gift.  One that I more than don't take lightly each day.

This year has not just been about work.  One of our greatest focuses in life is for this to NOT be the case, despite its potential negative consequences (i.e. we don't buy a home till we are 60 or never).  We have been grateful for all the time as a family we are able to spend together.  With Hillshire Brands now being downtown, Mike takes the train and is home by 6 every night (as opposed to his late nights of 6:30 in Downer's Grove).  We have our weekends to ourselves, which we use to relax and laugh together or spend time with friends and/or our extended families.  We have been able to see the Schwartz family much more this year than in years past, including Mike's grandparents a couple of times.  We've had trips to the park, the pool, many great baths lasting 30 minutes (which is arguably Matthew's favorite activity), vacations to FL and CO, games of chase and hide and seek, and late night chats full of laughter while "trying" to be quiet because we sleep right across the hall from Matthew.  There was even great joy and love in our lives when Matthew had a cold a couple weeks ago and was waking up in the night.  For the first time ever, we decided to let him sleep with us a few times for a couple hours and experienced him calming and cuddling.  To be able to provide this in a time of need and also experience this was wonderful; just warm and full of love.  And, of course, we cannot forget the amazing blessing of getting pregnant once again.

However, I am not saddened by the thought that my best year is coming to completion tonight because I am filled with a new hope that the years to come with be just as blessed.

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