Friday, January 4, 2019

A Wild and Crazy New Year's Eve

Got wild and crazy this New Year's Eve by taking the kids to the dentist. Matthew had 2 cavities that needed to be filled. They used laughing gas which had him talking up a storm. The staff brilliantly told me my other children were not allowed to watch (so as to avoid inducing fear). So there I left him alone getting his teeth drilled. He rocked it! He chose an orange mask (no surprise) that was orange scented. The actually fillings took 5 minutes and Matthew came out saying it was no big deal and the smell was so good he'd like to do it again! Um, doctor, you've successfully made this painless which is fabulous, but let's hope he keeps brushing his teeth, okay? Super grateful for our pediatric dentist and his team.

Thea had her teeth cleaned while at the dentist and later took a turn at cleaning teeth:

Nathaniel had nothing done to his teeth, but he picked a funny treasure box prize:

That evening we celebrated with blowers and root beer floats! Mike was the only one that made it to midnight. Poor Mike.

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