Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thea is 18 Months (on Saturday)

I took Thea in for her 18 month check-up on Tuesday. She had had a cold for 17 days (and still does) so I bumped up her visit which was supposed to be combined with Matthew's 3 year visit on the 20th. 

The doctor said that her chest sounded okay but if she's not in better shape next week we'll look into a inhaler system for her. First unexpected bump in our visit. I thought it was probably a cold maybe a sinus infection leading to antibiotics. Inhaler system? Totally unfamiliar to me and sounds intense. 

Here are her 18 month stats:

Height: 22lbs., 5oz (25th %ile)
Weight: 32in (50th %ile)
Head circumference: 49cm (97th %ile)

The nurse measured her head twice noting that it was big so she wanted to make sure she got it right. She then asked if my son and/or other members of my family had a large head. We have often smiled and laughed when we hear how big our kids heads are but it's made sense. Breastfeed babies tend to have bigger heads. And if it is to make room for a bigger, better brain, yay!

Then the doctor came in. He said she had a big head (insert my smile) and that she has a protuding forehead. "I'm not worried about it, but..." (Insert my heart skipped a beat). He went on to say it is probably just genetics but it could be fluid. To find out one would have to sedate her to get a CT-Scan and MRI. Due to his lack of belief that there was something going on, he recommended avoiding the sedation and scans.

Mike was not at the appointment. We didn't have any concerns about Thea as she is developing well and she is our second child so we have less questions about development. In other words, we took our doctor visit for granted; there was no thought given to what our doctor might tell us. It reminds me of ultrasounds while pregnant. People get excited about finding out then gender of their baby, but the purpose is to see whether or not the fetus is developing in a healthy way. 

I am truly grateful for a doctor who is so knowledgeable and that he tells us what he has observed. 

The rest of the visit went as one hopes; she is otherwise heathy and the doctor is pleased with her growth. And I am pleased with her and all of who she is and is becoming. 

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