Sunday, October 2, 2011

Shane Gets Married

As E noted in a previous post, we made a trip to God's Country this weekend for my buddy Shane's wedding.  It was a great weekend for a variety of reasons:

1. Weddings are always a happy occasion, especially when your friend can lock down a way hotter chick that himself.

2. I got to see IU friends I don't get to see enough.

3. The groomsman gift was these pants:

Let the record show I am wearing them now, as I did when I received them two nights ago, and as I will when we head to the hospital to have E's placenta, and anything attached to it, removed from her body.

4. Weddings = Photographs = Another swell opportunity to see how much neck skin I have added since high school.  I fully understand that I am no longer the model of fitness I once was,

but I also don't look like the Nutty Professor.  Unless there is a camera on me.  In which case I look like this:

or this:

or this:

And let's not forget what I look like being Glamour Shot while jumping off a boat.

Sidebar: I learned tonight that that picture of me is now one of my friend's computer background.  I would like to congratulate his wife on having a husband whose computer background features an overweight shirtless man.  I also would like to document the fact that I caught the ball.

Other wedding pics:

The wedding party

Please congratulate E on mastering the zoom out feature.

The aforementioned much better looking than Shane bride, being walked down the aisle.

The one on the right has two kids; the two next to her will each have one by March.

Shane walked into the reception wearing the candystripers while Indiana, Our Indiana played in the background.  It was awesome.  And then I touched his shoulder.

12 days...

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