Monday, March 14, 2016

Theolinda Older Kid

When I playfully asked Thea today what her name was she said, "Theolinda Older Kid."

This about sums up the last two weeks: she tells people she wants to be called Theolinda (her full name) and can't stop referring to herself as "an older kid." 

"I like asparagus now, cause my am an older kid now."

"My birthday is coming up and I'm gonna have a party, cause my am an older kid."

"I'm a big girl boy cause my am an older kid now."

Whelp, she is an older kid now. We have entered childhood by getting her a bike with training wheels. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Nathaniel's First Haircut

Unlike his older siblings, Nathaniel was gifted at birth with a beautiful, full head of hair. 

Sadly, much of that hair has since fallen out, and what has remained has become an unseemly nightmare that isn't fooling anybody. Just like Papa. 

Thus, at only six months of age, it was haircut time. 


"The Rat Tail"

"The Tsunami"

"The Cut" 

Mommy has been cutting hair for years, people. No worries about that baby and those scissors. 
