Because we are too busy actually loving the miraculous blessing of a family that we have. We don't have time for everything. In the choice between loving, laughing, and blogging, blogging always loses. But that's ok. It's why we have camera phones.
If you try sometimes... you get what you need.
How are our kids adapting to their baby brother?
Matthew and his classmates at their school had a Thanksgiving feast and show! Right before the curtains open, Matthew told his teacher, "I love singing!"
When everyone starts to clap, Matthew loudly says, "I'M HUNGRY!"
This past Sunday, we went to a fantastic Advent workshop. We created an advent calendar with sweet gifts and the Bible story of Christmas to span the 24 days till Christmas, decorated and ate cookies, and saw a show.
The two heads you seeing popping up to see the show better? Yep, Thea and Matthew. They were so engaged.
We have been having a lot of pretend picnics lately. This particular one was in Nathaniel's room:
Each day, Matthew will excitedly say, "let's do a craft!" If only I always had great ideas. Two days ago, we made a Matthew and Thea, and grass, and snow gear, and boots, and moons, and beanstalks, and...
And if Thea were to tell you what we've been doing the last month she'd say Play Doh. Always Play Doh.
But we also made it to a new indoor playground:
And tomorrow is Thanksgiving. We are thankful for all of this and more.