Thursday, September 24, 2015


Now, with us having two little boys, with a title of balls, you'd think this was going to be a cute post about someone chasing a ball. Uh uh. 

Matthew: (points) These are my balls. 

Mommy: Yep. 

Matthew: Daddy has really BIG (shows with his hands) balls, right Mom?

Mommy: (laughing) Yes, he does. 

Matthew: And Thea doesn't have balls. I wish I didn't have balls. And Nathaniel has really tiny balls (demonstrates with hands). 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

First Day of School

September 15th marked the first day of school for Matthew and Thea, both of whom were super excited.  Despite the excitement, Thea put on a crying show for the hours prior to school.  Thank you, molars. Thank you, ibuprofen, even more. 
9/15/15; Favorite colors: red and orange; When I grow up I want to be: a firefighter;
Favorite toy: paw patrollers; Favorite game: Minions
9/15/15; Favorite colors: pink and purple; When I grow up I want to be: a princess; 
Favorite toy: Floppy; Favorite game: Chase

Matthew with his best friend

So enthused about her cubby!

While Thea had a rough morning at home, when she got to school she was so happy it was her turn!  She's been eyeing that classroom for two years!  She gave me a hug and kiss goodbye and then literally ran into the room (arms lifted behind her like they were wings) and said "BYE!"  When I picked her up she was so happy and told me all the things she did that day.  She was so proud and excited.

And this is the note I got from her teacher at the end of the week:

"Yeah!!  This was so exciting to have Thea in the class and what a sweetie pie!  She had a great first day.  No hiccups at all!  She played with nearly everything and everyone and was so cheerful and easy going the whole time.  Hmmm...what did Thea in the kitchen, reading books, build with blocks.  Cover and mold over an entire black bunny with blue playdough, hang out with new friends, puzzles, but most of all she seemed to really like scooping the water in the water table.  She spent a long time there with her new buddy Julianna.  Thea was very good about sharing, taking turns, and cleaning up.  Her big brother did a good job being a role-model!  (I heard he was a TERRIFIC leader upstairs today -a little bird told me so!)  I am so so so excited and thankful to you and so very very glad that the Schwartz family is part of my life.  So glad to now get to know Thea."

Matthew had an incredible time at school.  When asked about his first day he said it was "GREAT!" and proceeded to tell me all about his time.  At prayer time before bed, he talked about being grateful for school and stated that "Everything!" was the best part.  His teacher was very positive about him calling him "a leader", "very social" and "ready for the next level." That was day one.  Day two she told me that she has picked up on some ways to challenge him as he is curious and ready for more.  Day three she was encouraging me to sign him up for what is called "lunch bunch" in order to challenge him more and allow him to be even more social.  

One of the things we are most grateful for is this school.  The children love it and the teachers are bright, positive, and loving.  Praising God for good things and for the school year!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Nathaniel at 1 Month


Height: 21.5 in
Weight: 9 lbs, 6 oz
Head: 38cm

Nathaniel has been a gift and a joyful part of our family. He sleeps well (4 hour shifts at night), eats well (obviously, he gained 4 lbs in a month), and cries very little. 

Our older kiddos continue to love on him and have been great with the transition to having a baby around. 

Nathaniel has the cutest chubby cheeks. At night, when I should lay him down in his crib and go to bed, I find myself kissing those cheeks and holding him a little longer. We're tired but are oh so aware of how quickly this time passes. 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Newborn Photo Shoot

We got some pictures taken a couple weeks ago and you are welcome to take a peek! Go to:

View Your Images
Portrait Sessions
Schwartz 9-19-15
Password is "michael" in lower case letters


Friday, September 18, 2015


Things have been going remarkably well, particularly in the night. The kids have had great timing in their wake-ups (twice Thea has woken up as I'm coming up the stairs from being with Nathaniel). It has made things manageable and less tiring (I imagined nights of waking up every 30 minutes for one kid or another).

Alas, last night ALL of the kids woke up at the same exact minute. Nathaniel needed to eat, Thea wanted to snuggle/watch tv/have a snack and Matthew wanted to know if it was morning time. Passing one another in the very dark hallway, Mike and I just laugh because what else can you do?

Maybe you could cry, because both Thea and Nathaniel were then awake for 2 hours. 

Good thing we went to bed at 8:30 last night. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Read Nathaniel a Story

Thea asked if she could tell Nathaniel a story.

Thea: God loves you. 

Mommy: That's a wonderful story to tell Nathaniel. Do you want to tell him another one?

Thea: Yeah. God is soooo good. 

Mommy: I hope you always remind him of these great stories, Thea. And one day, I hope he will remind you of these stories. 

Nathaniel Benjamin

Nathaniel Benjamin Schwartz came two weeks early and like lightening, THANKFULLY, three weeks ago. I had seen my OB just two days before and she said "I think we've got some time..."  Nope.  Not so much.

I had been having contractions but they were in my lower abdomen which was different than what I had experienced during my prior pregnancies. Thus, I didn't see them as warning signs of his imminent arrival.  In fact, I was concerned that maybe something was wrong.  

I woke up at 5:40 on Saturday, August 22nd, and was having these same contractions only they hurt. A lot.  Thirty minutes later after no more than 5 contractions, I came down to Mike and the kids (who had just woken up) and said, "I think I'm in labor."  We live 45 minutes from the hospital and Thea had come within 3 1/2 hours of the onset of labor so I knew we had to leave pretty quickly but I still wasn't totally sure I was in labor or if they would stop after I walked around and/or woke up a little.  I called the doctor and told her we were on our way.

It was a good thing we did.  The first time I was checked by a doctor I was 9cm and Nathaniel was born 55 minutes after we arrived at the hospital and not by my doctor or the on call doctor but a resident who was extraordinary.   

I am so relieved and grateful this little guy came two weeks early as my pregnancy was very difficult. It was the pregnancy to end all of our pregnancy.  We are savoring these first weeks so much despite the challenges with disrupted sleep.  We are in love with our little baby boy and our BIG kids are dreamlike with Nathaniel.  They sing to him, kiss him and look for him when they wake up in the morning.  

Nathaniel Benjamin born 8-22-15 weighing 6 pounds, 5 ounces with a length of 19.5 inches.
Mike ran back into the house right before we left for the hospital.
He came back out wearing these pants. 3 for 3 on the births of our children.

Thea was apprehensive but excited as she is with all new people
 and Matthew was gentle, curious and excited.

Heading home in the infamous outfit (my brothers and I came
home in this as well as Paul's kids and our kids).

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Gender Reveal

We're 32 weeks pregnant.  Probably should have announced our pregnancy two seasons ago.

Three months ago, we found out the gender.  We wanted to do something different than the first two times, which were both pretty standard fare--the ultrasound tech told us Matthew was a boy, and we found out Thea Bean was a girl upon her delivery.  So, this time, we went with a gender reveal party.  We bought one cake pop for everyone in E's family, including the kids, and told everyone to dig in at the same time.  Whoever was the lucky one to get the blue or pink cake would make the announcement.

So we tricked them and got them all a cake pop with blue inside.  And then we had the kids play...

We had initially planned to be surprised ourselves at this party but then chose to find out yet a different way.  We took a sealed envelope with the gender written on a piece of paper to an ice cream parlor and asked them to give us a scoop of blue or pink ice cream.  The man sealed it in a paper bag and we took it to the car.  Blue it was.  My surprising response, "YES! YES! YES!"