Sunday, March 15, 2015

Looks are deceiving

While this little girl pictured below depicts  peace and rest at it's best, that is NOT how the evening played out. 

Thea has been sick all week and is thus sleeping horribly (coughing, crying every hour). All this we have great sympathy for, but what she also does when she is sick is wake up at 8pm, 10:45pm and 1:30am screaming bloody murder until she can watch Peppa Pig or Doc McStuffins. And she wants to watch it in the family room, by golly. 

And then Matthew wakes up.*

I haven't even mentioned our upstairs neighbors who had friends over last night. They don't do this often but when they do, wow.** Their friends stayed till 4am and were either playing who can jump with the loudest thud, who can throw who across the room, or wii.

She rested with the humility of a Kim Kardashian until 8:35am, when she woke up and offensively requested pancakes. 

*(Thankfully he goes right back to bed after the situation is explained and he is snuggled with for a few minutes.)

**On a night that they warned us they were having a party that had a legit DJ and entertainment system  

Friday, March 6, 2015

Kids Quotes XXV

Matthew: I want Chinese!
Mommy: What do you want from the Chinese restaurant?
Matthew: A hot dog with ketchup and french fries. 

Yep, that's a hot dog kiss. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Thea's First Haircut

Despite being a female, when you have never had a daughter, you may find yourself clueless on girly things, like hair. Mike and I had no idea when to cut it for the first time, so we consulted with many a friends who had daughters. They recommended we wait until she was at least 2 years old. One even said 4! But as the mullet continued, we reconsidered this advice for our Bean.  

As you can see in the before picture we have a lovely, short on top, long in the back situation going on. What you can't see is that on the other side of her head, the hair in front of her ears in still peach fuzz length. 

We were also unsure of how she would respond to her beautician. She can be quite shy, so the idea of being touched with scissors by someone unfamiliar-eek! We had the same person that cuts Matthew cut her hair so maybe that was going to help a bit. 

She was amazing! Seriously, she actually loved it!

I mean, she's nervous when I blow dry my own hair, so this?!?!

Bye bye mullet. Hello pretty little girl. 

Mask Making

Nope, they're not Jason masks, they're Happy Purim masks! Homemade ones, with glitter, believe it or not!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Thea Loves Naps

Our little Bean loves naps.  She love the blankies, of which she chooses between pink and white.  She loves the pillow.  She loves the animals, whether it be Floppy the Bunny, Puppy the Puppy, the other Puppy the Puppy, or Fish the Fish.  She love the kisses and the milk and the tickles before being put in the crib.  Yes, she loves everything about naps.  Except the nap.  She barely likes that part.

It's not that she doesn't nap; she does... most of the time.  It's just that she doesn't nap like her brother.  Who naps for glorious hour after glorious hour and sometimes even after another glorious hour.  If Bean gives us 75 minutes she should be given a letter of commendation.  This is not helpful to Mommy and Daddy, who want to nap for 90 minutes themselves.

That said, Thea is quite the cuddly napper, especially after the nap, when she insists on everything in her crib (see paragraph #1 above) leaving for the family room with her.  She then immediately demands that she see Mommy.  Which is how this happens:

Girl, 1, smothered by zoo. Story at 11.

That actually happened a few weeks ago, and we have since banned Puppy the Puppy, the other Puppy the Puppy, or Fish the Fish from Bean's crib.  After an extended period of terrible sleep, which led to an extended period of terrible sleep for her parents, Bean was told that all the animals may be causing difficulty for her by taking up too much room in the crib.  Like so much of parenting, we got completely lucky that that shot in the dark guess was causing bad sleep, and Thea has been slumbering better lately with just Floppy the Bunny.  As you can see:

These were the best 40 seconds ever