Sunday, October 27, 2013

Nice Little Saturday

Yesterday we had planned to meet some family at a fall festival of sorts.  We ended up at the wrong one but still had a wonderful time.  Matthew had a pony ride, saw many animals up close (giraffes, bears, tigers, goats, and sheep to name very few of the numerous),  played on tractors, and walked through many 'o tunnels.

Legit tears were shed when this was over

Matthew waving and saying hello to the donkeys

On our way out, Matthew picked three pumpkins that we would paint later in the afternoon.  He chose a nice one with warts for Mike.

And because none of us were ready to be done painting after finishing our pumpkins...

Simply fantastic day filled with wonderful quality time as a family.

Matthew's 2nd Birthday

On October 19th, Matthew turned two.  Here's what his day entailed:

First things first, he opened (read: pulled a blanket off) his present from his parents.

Daddy chose to get him a race car track with six cars that gave him minutes of fun!

Later in the day we went to my parents house where he napped (God's gift) and then received an airplane and airport from my parents.  

The weather was a bit chilly but the rain held off for Matthew's party at Jewett Park Pavillion.  Many friends and family members came to play at the park and enjoy some cupcakes.  Matthew truly had a blast running around, going down slides, and opening presents.  The cupcakes, well, he ate some frosting and then left the rest of the work for his cousin.

Matthew's Biggest Birthday Playmate
Thea thoroughly enjoying the party.  And her nap.

"Um...why was I given a cupcake when there's a whole cake to be had?"
Picture courtesy of JMH
Matthew and his wingman
Picture courtesy JMH
After the party, we had tickle time, I mean dinner as a family.  Matthew's hot dog hit the floor after one bite so that was amazing.  All was redeemed though when he was given a pile of pickles.

It was a special and really fun day.

Friday, October 18, 2013

little sister, BIG BROTHER

Things around here have been insane in the membrane.  Insane in the brain.  And by that I mean, we started the Insanity work-out program about 6 weeks ago which eats up our evening time, unless I decide I can't because, well, I have a pile of pie in my hands.  So here's your update on some of the going-ons in our household.

We went to the doctor for both kiddos on Friday.  


6 month stats:
Weight: 13lbs, 3oz (10th %ile)
Heght: 25 1/4in (25-50th %ile)
Head circumference: 44cm (90th %ile)

Thea's weight is the same that it was at 4 months, which for those of you that study the weights of our children, will know that this is the same thing that happened with Matthew between months four and six, thus our doctor thinks its genetic.  Nonetheless, we will be bringing Thea back to the doctor in a month for a weight check.

What's new?  Thea is now sitting up for a couple of minutes at a time, before toppling over.  She started solids on Saturday and is loving it.  She loves being part of the family meal and is eating like a champ.  She's had rice and is now eating oatmeal.  I didn't miss how messy it is to feed a baby or how long it takes. She is talking (read: screaming because that's what we do in this home) a lot and is so happy.  Thea is now sleeping 10-12 hours a night...thank goodness!  Cry it out is not fun.  We got permission to let her really cry it out and the first night she cried on two separate occasions for 50 minutes.  That happened a few more times and after about a week (phew!) we had all survived and were better off.  She is bathing without the newborn mesh bath now; she lays down on her back in the tub and absolutely loves splashing water with her arms and legs.  So great to have a bathtub.  Thea regularly rolls over from her belly to her back and roll back to her side but has not yet rolled back to her tummy.  She has been more snugly over the past week and while it can be challenging to hold her all the time, it has definitely increased the bond and love that I have with her, thus my heart is grateful and full.

Matthew fed Thea her first bite of food


2 year stats:
Weight: 29lbs, 15oz (50-75th %ile)
Height: 37 3/4in (off the charts tall)
Head circumference: 51cm (90-95th %ile)

The long and short, minus the short, of it is that Matthew is enormous.  He is on pace to be about 6'2" and is already 3/5 my height.  Not that I'm tall, but man, this kid and I are going to making eye contact while standing by like Monday.

What's new with the mister?  Matthew is really into puzzles and trucks these days and will never turn down a trip to the park.  He has settled into his toddler bed (had to do a couple nights of letting him cry it out for about 15 min which means we did cry it out with two kids over the course of two weeks) and actually runs to bed at naptime and bedtime.  Literally runs.  He is such a gift from God to us.  He loves to laugh and his laughter is full of joy.  He is so sweet and kind, except when he is stealing toys and hitting kids we just met (resulting in them falling down cement stairs).  He throws out trash he finds, puts his dishes in the sink (TGIplastic), hugs his sister, asks for kisses, closes our front door when leaving the house, and listens to directions so well.  Except that time he didn't and there was pile of star (read: salt-sized) pasta on the floor in our family room that kept resurfacing for like 5 weeks.  Matthew turns 2 tomorrow.  Wow.  Preschool starts on Monday.  Big week(end) ahead.

Celebrated Matthew's Birthday with the Schwartzes